Grandma Nancy

Grandma Nancy

“Grandma Nancy has been working with a 5th grade student reading adventure stories. She has been very flexible in meeting with the student at times that has varied within the schedule. The student’s Grandmother has noted to me that her Granddaughter looks...
Nicole Hansen

Nicole Hansen

Nicole Hansen was working as a supervisor in a coffee shop and visited the job center for career ideas and training help. The Career Planner explored career options with her and in demand fields. She wanted to attend training to better support her family and gain...
Amy Larson

Amy Larson

“The coordinator, Amy Larson, has played a critical role in maintaining optimal communication with me as the Coordinator of our Cardinal ASP (After School Program), our School Librarian and our Reading Grandparents! During this time of virtual learning, she has...
Rita Ard

Rita Ard

Rita Ard was needing assistance to narrow the field of interest down. She’d worked in manufacturing for 20 plus years and needed a change due to health. WIOA staff reviewed assessments to start working through her areas of interest. Rita’s self-esteem and enthusiasm...